As I launch my blog it might be helpful to provide you a brief description of its content and intent. Family Trippin' is primarily an "edutaining" (educative/entertaining) outlet for my own musings about family - usually related to ours (i.e., the human family in general), but sometimes just mine (i.e., my spouse and spawns), and occasionally yours (i.e., I might personally know you and specifically mention you in a post as a way either of getting revenge or giving honor... you decide).My blog is also about what I call trippin' - metaphorical shorthand for the fun things we do together (as in "We had a great camping trip."), or the times we fail each other (as in "I'm so sorry; I know my broken promise really tripped you up."), or the way in which we are so uniquely freaky (as in "I can't believe you eat pizza with a fork...you must be trippin'!").
I'm really excited about this new adventure, and mostly because it's a dialogue with you. Here I simply catch and release the muse (and maybe poke it a little on occasion with characteristic dry, irreverent humor to get it moving) but you chase and return it. And through this playful conversation we can discover together new energy for this most important of human journeys: Family Trippin'.
Hey Jim. Just stumbled upon this. I'll be your blog groupie.